Thanks for joining us on this journey of building a consistent habit of reading our Bibles every day. The Bible reading plan we are using this year can be found here: One Year Bible or here on the Bible app. As always, if you miss a day, don’t feel compelled to go back and catch up. Just skip it and start back on today’s date. I am reading the NLT this year, but feel free to use whatever version you prefer. Now here are some thoughts from today’s readings:
Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.
– Matthew 24:12
Jesus gives his disciples some signs of the times and boy doesn’t it sound like today! But I think there is a key phrase here that we often miss, though. Jesus said that “the love of many will grow cold.” This statement is made in the middle of Jesus talking about how believers will fall away. That means He is speaking about how the love of believers will grow cold.
In our political climate today, it’s easy for our love to grow cold. It’s easy to get into arguments never considering the fact that what the people we are yelling at really need is the love of God! Have you checked your love levels lately? Are politics causing you to fall away without you even knowing it? You might not be able to tell on your own. Ask believers close to you if you are know more for your views on politics than for your relationship with Christ. Make sure they feel free to be honest and let them know that you are sincerely looking for the truth. Don’t argue with them when they give it to you!
What do you think? Are you more focused on politics than on Christ?