Thanks for joining us on this journey of building a consistent habit of reading our Bibles every day. The Bible reading plan we are using this year can be found here: One Year Bible or here on the Bible app. As always, if you miss a day, don’t feel compelled to go back and catch up. Just skip it and start back on today’s date. I am reading the NLT this year, but feel free to use whatever version you prefer. Now here are some thoughts from today’s readings:
As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger.
- Luke 8:23
Here’s an idea, how about you don’t let Jesus fall asleep on you! Here’s what I mean: imagine the scene. Jesus is a pretty awesome at spiritual stuff and building tables, but a third of of the disciples are fishermen. So, when it comes to boating, they have the edge on Jesus. “Relax, Jesus. Go take a nap. We are the boating experts. We know this lake like the back of hands. We’ve got this.” Yeah, we’ll see.
How many times do we let Jesus “fall asleep” in our lives because we don’t need Him to do what we’re doing (or at least we don’t think we do). We are good at our job, so we don’t need Jesus. Our marriage is good, so why bother bringing Jesus into it. I understand politics and can come to my own conclusions about how to vote. I don’t need Jesus to tell me what to do. I got this. And then, BOOM! That’s when the storms will catch us off guard. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking your so good at something you can do it with out Jesus. Honestly, you need Jesus just to read and apply this post.
Making Jesus a part of every area of your life is simple, though, I’ll admit, it’s not easy. All it takes is prayer. When you have a thought, pray about it. See what God’s thoughts are about you’re thinking. Before every action, have a short prayer. Ask God for help and wisdom before every conversation. Even easy ones. Prayer is our means to opening an area of our lives to God.
We need Jesus to talk, to walk, to eat, to breath. There are many things we might could do “without Jesus”, but there is nothing we SHOULD do without Him. He wants to be engaged in every part of our lives. Every thought, every decision, every conversation, every action. He wants to be a part of them all. And, as you will soon discover, our lives are much better the more we make Him a part it.
What do you find your self doing or thinking that you haven’t made Jesus a part of? What can you do to bring Him in?