Day 14
Read: Luke 17:11-19
Key Verses: Luke 17:19
Thoughts: In the end, our worship level is really about our faith level. Do you really believe that God is worthy of all of your most intense praise? Do you really believe that God is able to bring the breakthroughs physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually that you those around you need? Than worship God like you believe that!
What would your worship look like if you really believed God was as good as the Bible says He is? What can you do to make your worship more like that?
Quote: “Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.” – Max Lucado
Prayer: God, please forgive me for not believing in Your goodness completely. Help me to see more of Your goodness and to worship You like I believe. Please lead me into radical, intimate encounters with You this week!