Day 19
Read: Ephesians 2:1-10
Key Verses: Eph 2:7
Thoughts: We have already talked about what God has done for us, but now we get to focus on what God continues to do in us and for us! Literally, for ages, God wants to show of His grace by being extremely kind to you and me. Does that not blow your mind! We have some pretty amazing things to look forward to!
How does the realization of how good God is planning on being to you influence your worship?
Quote: “Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.” – Oswald Chambers
Prayer: God, please forgive me for any pessimistic views of the future that I may hold. Help me to trust that You do really have amazingly good things in store for me. Please lead me into radical, intimate encounters with You this week!